A Reservoir of Flavors
•Often described as Italy’s olive-growing heartland, Puglia is an inexhaustible source for variety and top quality products. The region has the highest olive production level in Italy and is third in the world after Andalusia and Tunisia. The main varieties of olives grown in Puglia are Peranzana, Ogliarola, Leccino, Cellina, Olivastra and, above all, the now-renamed Coratina, very widespread in the whole province of Bari, an area that counts over 80,000 producers of this nectar. Furthermore, this latter type of olive has the highest amount of polyphenol – which protects the oil from oxidizing – and linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat of the Omega-6 family that is beneficial for the immune system, acts as cancer-fighting agent and helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The Ferrara Brothers Farm dates back to the 1700s and is located in the area of Canosa di Puglia with additional orchards in the zone of Manfredonia, areas know for both once hosting concentration camps and for the history that each centuries-old olive tree holds. Brothers Eugenio and Federico produce two great oils: Pista Locone, a varietal oil of Coratina, and Fontana Rosa, a blend of Coratina softened by the delicacy of Leccino. What distinguishes both oils is a particular bitterness with spicy aftertastes of black pepper and red chilli pepper. This make them excellent to use on grilled steaks with greens or to enhance some lampascione onions cooked on hot coals. Or as a counterpoint on a rice salad with tomatoes, peas and seasonal sweet greens, not to mention on local burrata cheese and pachino tomatoes.
Posta Locone 50cl 8.00 euros
Fontana Rosa 50cl 8.00 euros